People can be the best or worst asset in any business or team. The processes you adopt in defining a role, recruiting a new employee or team member, engaging existing employees or dismissing culture killers that refuse to align with your organisation’s values are paramount to your long-term success.
Blink Connect recognise that every organisation whether it be a business, sporting club, education provider – they’re unique. We’re flexible and can tailor our services to suit your specific requirements enabling you to reach your desired outcome in a timely manner and within your budget.
At Blink Connect, we’re like the running back in a gridiron team. We do it all. We show up, behind or beside the Quarterback, we run, we block, we throw and catch from time to time. We thrive on getting the job done quickly to ensure your ultimate goal is achieved.
Our services include:

Blink Connect is committed to helping organisations create positive, productive and high performing workplace cultures. Employing staff should create more opportunities and growth for your business, not headaches, sleepless nights and fear about what you can or can’t say to your staff.
Blink Connect offer simple, practical and effective solutions when it comes to culture and employee engagement.
Our services include:
Employee Relations – provide guidance and commercial advice on employment legislation i.e. the Fair Work Act 2009, National Employment Standards, Awards and HR policies
Employee Handbook – create an employee handbook detailing your organisation’s policies and processes to promote and encourage consistency and equity amongst team members
Problem Solving / Conflict Resolution – provide coaching on how to handle challenging or awkward situations in the workplace with positive outcomes
Internal Communication Strategies – assist you with delivering effective internal communication strategies to support your business as you grow
Company Values – help you to identify, articulate and adopt your company’s core values and integrate them into your business so they connect with your staff
Remuneration & Incentives Advice – Provide guidance on competitive market rate salary and benefits packages
Rewards & Recognition – provide advice on initiatives to enhance engagement and build a high performing, collaborative and results-focused culture
Engagement Surveys – design and run tailored surveys to measure the engagement level of your team and to develop initiatives targeting survey outcomes to improve productivity
Exit Interviews – conduct confidential discussions with departing team members, to identify any areas of improvement which may assist with increasing employee engagement, productivity and retention

Blink Connect can work with you to determine the needs and priorities of your specific organisation. Whether you’re a start-up with no systems, structure, policies or processes or you’re a small-to-medium size organisation looking to improve or strengthen what you’re currently doing, Blink Connect can assist.
Services include but are not limited to:
Organisation Chart – assist you with building a scalable organisation structure with the core competencies and capabilities required to achieve your strategic objectives. This also includes determining appropriate staff head count and relevant job titles
Job Descriptions – provide a framework to build clear roles and responsibilities for each team member. Job Descriptions include role purpose, reporting relationship, accountabilities and the key skills and experience required to be successful
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) – help you identify realistic measurements to develop individuals which link to your organisation’s KPIs
Structure, Systems & Processes – to support an agile organisation which is both stable (resilient, reliable & efficient) and dynamic (fast, nimble & adaptive)
Employee Handbook – create an employee handbook detailing your organisation’s policies and processes to promote and encourage consistency and equity amongst team members
Employee Records – assist you with maintaining appropriate compliance documentation to avoid penalties if you fail to meet your legal obligations

Building a great workplace culture takes time and requires a commitment to hiring the best people who fit your culture. The people you employ should demonstrate through the recruitment process that they are connected to your vision and share your core values.
Blink Connect have developed a commercial best-practice and compliant recruitment, onboarding and induction process that incorporates behavoural-based questions and psychometric testing that will help you to identify the best people and hire team members who fit your culture.
Blink Connect can partner with you to manage and deliver the end-to-end recruitment, onboarding and induction of your team or simply offer coaching, tools and templates to help you run your own best-practice process.
Our services include:
Recruitment Process
- Developing a clear brief for the role which includes the following:
- Job Description with clear role purpose and reporting relationship, accountabilities and the key skills and experience required to be successful
- Salaries and benefits package. Blink Connect can undertake a salary package benchmark comparison and provide guidance on meaningful performance rewards that acknowledge individual and team achievements
- Create an advertisement to be used on digital recruitment platforms
- Help you identify whether you have anyone suitable within your business for the role
- Advertise on digital recruitment platforms to attract the best people for the specified roles within your organisation
- Desktop search on Seek Talent and LinkedIn and share with networks
- Communicating with candidates including scheduling interviews and advising unsuccessful candidates
- Screening applications to provide a short list of suitable candidates to interview
- Conducting interviews (via phone and in person)
- Coaching your hiring manager on how to prepare and conduct effective interviews
- Blink Connect offer a Recruitment, Onboarding & Induction Toolkit Package. Package includes: interview tips, behavioral-based interview questions, evaluation form, reference check questions and an onboarding checklist and induction program to help you run your own best-practice process
Selection Decision
- How to evaluate a candidate’s suitability and make appropriate selection decisions
- How to conduct effective background / reference checks to support your selection decisions
- Psychometric behavioral assessment to provide an insight into how people behave at work, the characteristics they will demonstrate, as well as an insight into their strengths, areas for development and value to the organisation
Employment Agreement – provide advice on terms and conditions in accordance with relevant awards and employment legislation to protect your business and minimise risks associated with employing and terminating staff
Employment Offer – how to offer employment both verbally and in writing to successful candidates
Onboarding & Induction Program – work with you to design and deliver an effective and tailored onboarding and induction program (including appropriate HR and compliance forms) unique to your business to increase engagement, retention and productivity of new team members

If you can’t measure it – you can’t improve it! Retaining talent is critical for an organisation and therefore job satisfaction and developing the capabilities of your people is paramount. To maximise your performance as an organisation you need to measure the performance of each person to ensure they are delivering excellence to your customers and team. Each team member has a role to play in your organisation’s overall success.
Blink Connect offer the following services:
Performance & Development Review Process – design and deliver an effective performance and development review process to measure, communicate and improve individual and team performance
Job Descriptions – provide a framework to build clear roles and responsibilities for each team member. Job Descriptions include role purpose, reporting relationship, accountabilities and the key skills and experience required to be successful. Job Descriptions assist with managing performance.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) – help you identify realistic measurements to develop individuals which link to your organisation’s strategic goals and objectives
Coaching – assist managers with how to run an effective performance and development review process including providing effective, honest and constructive feedback
Training & Development – undertake a training needs analysis and offer recommendations on relevant training solutions to enhance individual and team performance
HR Metrics – measure the cost and impact of your employee activities and HR initiatives in order to track trends and changes in these variables

If you are considering moving an employee on, Blink Connect are experienced and sensitive and can guide you through a practical, compliant and swift process to ensure you are prepared and confident that you’re minimizing your risks of receiving an unfair dismissal claim from Fair Work Australia.
Blink Connect’s services include:
Coaching – assist with helping you prepare and plan for the termination of an employee (redundancy, dismissal and exiting employees)
Support – attend meetings as the “support person” during performance or termination meetings
Documentation – provide advice with drafting the appropriate termination paperwork to be given to the employee to ensure all pertinent information is included
Exit Interviews – conduct confidential discussions with departing team members, to identify any areas of improvement which may assist with increasing employee engagement, productivity and retention
Outplacement Service – outplacement services are designed to provide individuals with the practical support and advice they need during career transition and career change. This occurs when a person leaves their employment voluntarily or involuntarily or are returning to the workforce after an extended period of time.
Whilst Blink Connect can’t guarantee we can locate a job for them, we can certainly prepare them for the job search process and help them develop the right skills and mindset needed for a successful career transition or career change.
In terms of the type of support Blink Connect could offer, over the years we’ve been helping organisations to assist individuals during career transition and career change. Employers who decide to provide outplacement services are not required to offer this support but choose to do so to assist their employees to move forward positively and on to new opportunities. This support is a strong indication of companies who care about their people and their brand.

Is your existing HR function proactive or reactive? Do you have up-to-date policies, procedures and paperwork relating to people, performance and compliance?